Adapt It Mobile
Adapt It Mobile news, product announcements, and more.

Release 1.0 beta 7 available for download

We are pleased to announce the seventh public beta for Adapt It Mobile 1.0. This beta release includes issues found during beta testing:

  • Fixed two XML parsing issues related to reading filtered text from the AI XML document.
  • Fixed a display issue with chapter and verse numbers not displaying correctly when followed by a cross reference or some other filtered text.
  • Moved the AIM project database to where it can be backed up by iOS, or readily copied via SD card for Android. Note that for iOS, backup to iCloud can be managed or turned off by following the instructions at this link:

A full list of resolved issues can be found in our issue tracker.

Please refer to the Adapt It Mobile Wiki site for instructions on installing. Issues and enhancement requests can be reported through our issues page. Thanks!


What is filtered text?

USFM, one of the document formats supported by Adapt It Mobile, can contain both text that needs translation and markup information about the text (translation consultant notes, for example) that should not be translated. Adapt It Mobile filters – or hides – some of this markup text, so that the user can focus on translating the text.

In Adapt It Mobile, filtered text is represented by a blue “funnel” icon next to the text being translated:

Filtered Text icon

Viewing filtered text

To view the filtered text at a specific point in the adaptation, scroll the view to that point and click the Filtered Text icon. A screen similar to the following displays:

filter window

This window has the following elements:

  • A title line, with the current index and total number of usfm markers that are being filtered out in the display.
  • The current marker being displayed
  • The text associated with the filtered marker
  • Informational text that states whether the filtered text can be made available for adaptation (text in red cannot be made available for adaptation; text in green can).
  • If there is more than one filtered marker, there are also arrow keys that allow the user to go to the previous / next filtered marker.

To move to the previous / next filtered marker, click on the forward / back arrows:

Multiple Filters

To close the filtered text window, click on either the X icon in the upper right corner of the window or in the darker area outside the window.

Single Filters

Release 1.0 beta 6 available for download

We are pleased to announce the sixth public beta for Adapt It Mobile 1.0. This beta release includes issues found during beta testing.

The main user interface change is to address some problems with the filtered USFM markers on the adaptation screen (see Issue #142). Now when the user clicks on the filter icon, the Filtered Text window appears:


This window has the following elements:

  • A title line, with the current index and total number of usfm markers that are being filtered out in the display.
  • The current marker being displayed
  • The text associated with the filtered marker
  • Informational text that states whether the filtered text can be made available for adaptation (text in red cannot be made available for adaptation; text in green can).
  • If there is more than one filtered marker, there are also arrow keys that allow the user to go to the previous / next filtered marker.

A full list of resolved issues can be found in our issue tracker.

Please refer to the Adapt It Mobile Wiki site for instructions on installing. Issues and enhancement requests can be reported through our issues page. Thanks!

Release 1.0 beta 5 available for download

We are pleased to announce the fifth public beta for Adapt It Mobile 1.0. This beta release includes issues found during beta testing, focusing on the usability of the adaptation screen. There are several significant changes to this area of the app:

  • A new combined toolbar / title bar With this change, the document title is hidden, allowing for the action buttons from the toolbar to be displayed in the title bar.

    • On smaller screen widths, the Placeholder, Phrase, and Retranslation buttons are hidden inside a “More actions” button (visually, an ellipsis “…”) that functions like a drop-down menu:



  • On screen widths that can display these three buttons, the “More actions” button is replaced by the three buttons directly:


  • On the largest tablet displays, button labels can also be displayed, giving users a better idea of what the buttons do:


  • An “Undo” button, to deal with the lack of a “Cancel edit” on the software keyboard (e.g., an Esc key). You’ll notice it as the circular arrow icon, second to the left in the combined toolbar / title bar.

A full list of resolved issues can be found in our issue tracker.

Please refer to the Adapt It Mobile Wiki site for instructions on installing. Issues and enhancement requests can be reported through our issues page. Thanks!

Release 1.0 beta 4 available for download

We are pleased to announce the fourth public beta for Adapt It Mobile 1.0. This beta release includes issues found during beta testing. Of note:

A full list of resolved issues can be found in our issue tracker.

Please refer to the Adapt It Mobile Wiki site for instructions on installing. Issues and enhancement requests can be reported through our issues page. Thanks!